Friday, September 19, 2008

Tag No.003 - Tag merapu?

Saya kena tag dgn Kak Ina.
So inila jawapan2 saya.

First Name - Satu jenama Ubat Gigi mengambil sempena nama saya.. heheheheheheh... siap masuk billboard tuu...
Nickname - masa kat sekolah diorang bagi saya nama Wawi. Tapi kat umah mak panggil Wah aje. Hubby pulak dulu panggil Ayang, la ni da jadik Mama, esok2 pulak ntah2 jadik Nek aje. Hmmmm....

Birthday - 29 April
Birthplace - Rumah Quarters Guru, Sek. Men. Dato' Sulaiman, Parit Sulong, Johor.
Time of Birth - 10.30 mlm
Zodiac sign - Taurus.

–This or That–
Flower or Chocolate - Chocolate...tapi bunga pon suka jugak... Choc Flower..
Pepsi or Coke - Pepsi
Pop or Rock - Both
Relationship or One Night Stand - Relationship laaaa wei! wanita muslimah harapan ni....
School or Work - Both also don't like. Nak goyang kaki dok umah ajer bole?

Love or Money - Camner ek? This ia a tough one... Fuhhh! Cengginila... I LOVE MONEY.(so u can see love 1st, 2nd money.. hehhehehe)
Movies or Music - Music
Country or City - Country

Sunny days or Rainy days - Erk... yang ni I actually like the moment before the rain start pouring tu. masa tengah mendung and windy tu...
Friends or Family - Family la...
–Have you ever–
Lied - iye..

Smoked - iye.. rokok daun arwah atuk... heheheh
Broke someone’s heart - iye...
Had your heart broken - iye...
Wish you were a prince/princess - erk... tak pernah la puloks

Liked someone who was taken - iye...
Shaved your head - tak pernah la puloks
Been in love - iye..
Used chopsticks - iye...
Sang in the mirror to yourself - ada jugak..
Flower - sunflower, daisies, gerberra...
Candy - nano-nano
Scent - bau hujan dengan bau rumput

Color - pastel
Musical Instrument - guitar
Movie - animation, claymation
Actor/Actress - saya tak tau nama dia tapi orang panggil dia Dr. Shepperd.... (drools)
Junk food - kerepek kacang sembunyi.. hehehehhe
Animal - cats
Ever cried over someone - iye...
Is there anything you wish you could change about yourself - nak kurus macam dulu2 and nak ubah a bit of my unpleasant attitude
Do you think you’re attractive - sometimes... iye...(perasannya haku!)
If you had to choose a fairytale as your life what would you choose - entahler... nanti pikir
Do you play any sports - erm.. main untuk suka suki ajer.. kenkadang main bowling, kenkadang main badminton, masa sekolah dulu main volleyball. tapi takdela wakil2 kemana2...

–List (8) random facts about yourself –
1. Selalu buat assumption. especially kalu hubby cakap something mesti rasa cam ada yang tersirat, padahalnya beria2 orang tu deny.. hehehehhee.. terukkan
2. suka makan, memasak, berekperimen di dapur dan juga menonton anything to do with food.

3. Sukakan haiwan. dulu2 masa kecik2 tak pernah putus bela kucing kat rumah. Antara2 kucing yang saya sayang dan yang sayang sangat kat saya ialah Alang, Kiki, Kitty, Aneng, Kecik, Gemuk, Putih, Acat... Miss them all...

4. Sukakan adventure. Kalau boleh nak try white water rafting..

5. Tak pandai berkemas. so bila tak pandai jadik serba tak kena.. last2 jadi malas.

6. Suka membaca dan menonton tv. So, memang saya ni homely type of person. patut jadik suri rumahtangga je.. hehehhehehe
7. Teringin nak memancing, napa ntah.. sebab tak pernah memancing kot...
8. Selalu orang nampak kita senyummm ajer.. yang orang tak tahu kalau kita tengah marah pon kita senyumm ajer.. hehehhehehehe
- next to be tagged:

1 comment:

adieha said...

hi.. nak kurus ke? maybe i can help you.

my herbalife blog:

my before & after photos:

email me ( kalo interested.